Andrei Dascalu
2 min readSep 14, 2018


All in all, I also don’t have an interested in cryptocurrency per se, however aside from the concept of having private entities with so much control over my wealth (both direct and indirect : how much your currency is worth also resides with decisions taken by these private entities).

Given your examples, I would assume you are American and one thing I like about this status is that you’re generally protected by a fairly flexible financial system which though unfair (bank bailout by Fed, anyone?) still protects citizens.

But take Greece for example (totally random, nothing to do with the fact that they’re still reeling from a crisis). In a book called “Adults in the room”, their former finance minister shed some light on the closed door negotiations between Greece, the EU, IMF and ECB. Among other things, he shows that at least part of Greece’s predicament (not the fundamental cause, but one of the reasons why IMF/ECB insisted on austerity instead of debt restructure so that Greece would make payments) comes from Europe’s desire to shift money to banks that were on the edge following 2008’s crisis.

You see, ECB doesn’t have the control that the Fed does in the US. There are laws and regulations preventing public money going directly to banks in any form. So the EU (France and Germany) insisted that Greece should be able to make payments against the debt owed to French and German banks who were nearly bankrupt. So EU money contributed by Germany and France were funnelled through Greece to private banks, at the expense of Greek people who saw interests rates rise, unemployment rise (basically they got austerity for the privilege of being the conduit for saving European banks).

Whether you are a private individual or a country, banks own and regulate your wealth, directly or indirectly. Sure, I’d agree that regardless of system, your wealth would be influenced by someone else but I’d rather trust the cryptographic power of blockchain to ensure that the system is fair rather than people able to accumulate influence and leverage to ensure that laws and countries work for them.

Also, blockchain isn’t just about cryptocurrency. Virtually anything that involves contracts can be protected by it. Electronic voting systems or utilities contracts, you name it.

