Andrei Dascalu
2 min readMay 17, 2019


“Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, defines a financial crisis as “something that happens every five to seven years.”” — doesn’t sound like a definition at all. Many things happen every 5 to 7 years. For some people it’s sex, in some countries that describes elections (in all fairness, in many of those elections are financial crises of certain size).

“If you can code, yay for you. But you have no real hard skills or management ability. Not recognizing that you’re overpaid means you won’t have the funds to avoid your parents’ basement when shit gets real.” — lots of disconnected things. What’s “real hard skills” and their relevance in the context? Why is managerial experience relevant? If someone codes and they get 6 figures for that, why would you throw managerial skills in the mix? Also, it’s a really archaic misconception that if you manage people you should make more than those people. In fact, in tech it’s often not true because the next step to coding skills isn’t management, it’s architecture. Architecture means telling people (at most) how to do something, not what to do (which is what management generally is). Also, what’s ‘overpaid’? Paid more than my skills are worth or more than my skills translate into profits? It’s possible, but I don’t have the skills to actually tell whether I’m overpaid or not. I don’t have access to financial documents or the knowledge to interpret them to see how my work and skills factor into that. But if the people who manage the company agree that my skills are worth what I’m paid (otherwise, why are they paying me? I assume they’re smart since they did build a company that’s profitable enough to pay me) then how would I counter-argue that? (nevermind why)

